Contact Connexa

If you're ready to find new employment, please contact our team. Whether you're looking for advice, knowledge, or opportunity, we're here to help.

Contact our team

If you want to get in touch with our team, please fill out the following form.

Contact Us

Connexa Technology Limited
Adamson House, Towers Business Park
Wilmlsow Road, Didsbury, M20 2YY

Why work with us

Tailored and accessible recruitment services for tech professionals

We have deep experience across many aspects of technical hiring and help companies overcome
countless obstacles access talent and scale.


Friendly communication. We are approachable, reliable, and always ready to help.


Massive opportunities. We have access to valuable job offers from leading companies.


Complete solutions. We build lasting professional connections through recruitment.


Hire with us

Connect with top talent

If you have a tech position to fill, we have the people to make it happen. From entry-level jobs to c-suite roles, from permanent positions to contract offers, we create value through the power of connection.